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Central/WA, United States
So nice to have you visit my blog...... Patty (:)

Monday, June 30, 2008



I only have 4 small alarm clocks.... still looking(:)

Saw this darling collection in a magazine

Oh I do love CLOCKS

and have a small collection started, am still on the lookout for more at G-sales, antique stores etc..

here are afew of those I've collectedNot a clock but my thermometer outside on the deck..with a daddy longleg on the right (:)

I like my black bathroom clock

Me dreaming about more clocks(:)LOL

This morning I'm just cooking made some green chili enchilatas,mowed the lawn, set out some sprinklers then ran to the store .. came home the water was running down the road.. made my tires dirty as I drove into the driveway so had to sweep the driveway off..Yes I live with a neat- nic (:)I like things neat too so I can't say anything I guess~~

Glad you dropped in

~~~~~I'll be by to see you soon..hugs Patty~~~~~
~~~Just TAGGED~~~

LINDA from Somewhere in Tyme

Just tagged me for ''MY MUGs ME ME''~~~
These have been saved for about 25 years they were MUGS my boys used as toddlers(:)

This is one of my favorite mugs because my son Adam gave it to me last year for

Mother's Day had a little mini rose plant in it..sadly it didn't make it .. I have a terrible time with

plants (:O)

Thanks LINDA ,this was fun I got to see my babies mugs~~~~

I will tag ~~~Diane at Dianobe~~~ (:)


  1. I LOVE that picture of you :) Made me smile!!!

    :) candy

  2. It is nice to have a collection. That way when you go on a trip...or just junkin there is always something to look for, the hunt. Then everyone knows you have a collection, they know what to get you. I do not have a collection....hmmm what should I collect? You have me thinking!

  3. wouldn't happen to know what time it is, would you? Haha :)
    My daddy had so many clocks and everything was ticking and tinging all the time...friends always asked "HOW DO YOU GO TO SLEEP?"

  4. Hi Patty, you have a neat collection of clocks. Love the bathroom clock and the green one for sure. I have a collection too...right now I'm looking for one with pink rhinestones around the face.

    I've tagged you for a fun tag...I hope you'll join in. Hugs, Linda

  5. Great post, love all the wonderful clocks!
    Sandra Evertson

  6. I love old clocks too and so far have four!!! Il ove your post about being neat. I am a former neat person but have slowly turned into a messy slob!!! Oh how I long to be nat again!!!
    I left you a little shou out on my blog... finally figured out how to post my award from YOU!!!
    Thanks so much and I enjoy your blog too!!!
    Happy July 1st!!!

  7. You have some great clocks! Mugs, too! You have had a very busy day, my friend. My day is just starting- getting ready to run to the grocery store.


    P.S. love that pic of you.

  8. I only have one old clock but it's fun for photos! I can't believe all you accomplished in one morning. Hmmm... I could probably get a lot done if I weren't chasing kids, right?! Blessings..Polly (p.s. love those mugs!!)

  9. Love the clocks especially the black coffee one. That's neat. Love the picture of you. Also love the mugs. You have accomplish alot today. I wish I had my chores done. You have a wonderful day.


SO glad you came by (:) Patty

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