Tuesday, July 20, 2010

RED HEAD in the Making

Been having fun with an order for a
(:) w/ green eyes..
 Had a fun lunch with friends yesterday..
so much to hash over ~

Linda the Woman's World Mag. blueberry diet ..
it is suppose to get rid of the belly fat the most

they used ''blueberry juice''
 2 glasses a day with the lunch and dinner..
 the meals were light well rounded meals..
 and veggies
 milk products 

you know the same plan--
 we all know we should be eating(:)

I just top my yogurt or ice cream (:)
with the blueberries instead.. LOL
OOLONG TEA is suppose to be better then
 Green tea for hyping up the metabolism..

Have a fun day ok (:)


  1. She's a beauty Patty ! You are such a wonderful artist!

  2. She is gorgeous Patty !Your so talented!
    As of today its 24 pounds for me!!
    I am so proud of myself !!!
    Not easy let me tell you... its a mind set I have and I will keep it up forever I think,its much healthier this way.I will have the occasional what ever I am craving but not often.I don't want to die a fat old lady.

  3. What a pretty lady!

    Thanks Patty...I'm heading to the store today maybe I'll find the magazines, ven if I don't I think you've given me plenty of good information...hugs, Linda


SO glad you came by (:) Patty