Sunday, July 25, 2010


 and everything is growing fast..
mowed the lawn this
morning ..
I have a question ..
Does it bug you when a young woman
(usually a store clerk or waitress) calls you HONEY...??

being --shall I say  over 50ty--
it makes me feel ''like a little old lady'' (:) 

I know they are just being sweet
but still ~
How do you feel about it??

Have a nice summer day (:)


  1. Honey, it's funny you should mention this! I was wondering the same thing-cos I get it all the time! Gracious! I feel like I need a shawl and a cane! Hey you whipper-snappers out there-we ain't yer regular honeys! We may have a few gray hairs and wrinkles startin'-but treat us like we're still on this side of the grave!!
    Well, I guess you can see how I feel about it!!!

  2. I hate it!
    I know they are trying to be nice but it rubs me wrong... I am not their sweety or their honey etc....
    And it really irks me at the doctor's office or at the hospital etc...I have a name use it and if I don't know you then your not my friend or family I want Mrs in front of my name...don't assume familiarity with me I am not as sweet as honey.... LOL!!
    That's my opinion...
    Ps... Sorry.. but you asked.. LOL!

  3. I volunteer at the Senior Center, but that doesn't mean I'm old. I'm 55. Most of my friends are Seniors there and I get called Honey and Sweety all the time. I don't resent it from them, cause they're loved ones. But from a younger person.... GRRRR!

  4. Yes that really bothers me! They call me honey when they give me a coffee at Dunkin Donuts. WORSE than that........Have all of you noticed that when you say "thank You" to a teen or someone 20-30..... they say "NO PROBLEM"!! Whatever happen to "You're Welcome"?????

  5. I am not a big fan of honey either. It just rubs me the wrong way. I wouldn't mind being called honey by a loved one, but a stranger not so much!

  6. I must say also....I'm not a fan of being called Honey even by those who are much much younger then me. It really ticks me off but i try to send a sweet smile anyway. lol

    Gr8 post!

  7. I'm from up north and it always seems that the farther south we go for vacation the more I hear people call us this! I think it has a lot to do with the region of the country. I think its a bit odd, but I know they are showing their hospitality. I don't notice it so much around where I live.


SO glad you came by (:) Patty