Friday, February 12, 2010

Bucket full of Hearts

Wouldn't it be nice to be able
 to hold that many hearts in your dress(:)
What do Squirrels give each other for Valentines DAY?


Hi my bloggy friends(:)
hope your day is going great..
 lastnight we went to Costco
 and bought a king sized bed..
(after the motel had one we loved we had to get one)
Came home set her up
 it was drizzling out
and the bed was a heavy bugger
 to get up the stairs
 but we love it~~
 Now I have to go buy a new bedskirt
 and bedspread of some sorts
 not liking the mattress showing --
since my queen spread and skirt are too small
I have been buying king sheets and blankets --
I like how they give you lots of coverage.
Am gonna call the
Furniture Minestries
 a church that comes and picks up furniture
 they can use..
not sure yet if they take mattresses~
OH Dear Diane.
.I just read your post and yes it could be a stressful day at school..
I do remember the rule was you had to give one to everyone one year(:)
 that was a good idea..
Yes-Kids can be so mean ~
Have a good day ~~
Rainy here and am painting a head today..


  1. Wow a new huge bed I wish... its my dream... my room is too small but one day I will break down and do it when I move into the bigger bedroom, we put MIL is in there she uses it like a boudoir/sitting room,we let her be she enjoys it so much but our room is a tad too cosy.. hehe... one day.....!!
    Love that valentine its so sweet!
    Take care,

  2. Love the angel dolls in your header, so pretty.


SO glad you came by (:) Patty