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Central/WA, United States
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Vintage Family Photos


~~Jeanne about 2 and I am about 6 months old..with dad..I was pinching his cheek(:) Looks like Jeanne caught that ..she was probably horrified!!~~
I only have afew old photos of Jeanne and I when we were babies because when we were young we moved into a house with a basement and my mom had some boxes stored down there. The GoodWill had come to the door at our house and Dad went downstairs, picked up the box of family pictures covered with old clothes and gave it to the collectors without checking with Mom. Big mistake --ofcourse it was a mistake he didn't know precious pictures were down in that box..(:(
She didn't speak to him for about two weeks if I remember correctly. We went to check at the Goodwill after we realized they were gone , might have been weeks I can't remember..they said that any paper things may have been taken to the recyling center...
So we went there to see if we could find any thing that looked like it might be ours..
Jeanne and I can still remember walking through all those enormous bales of shredded paper looking for something we recognized.
Dad , Jeanne and I went to the center looking over the acres of bound up paper stacks hoping to find a glimmer of hope but nah we lost them ..boohoo(:(
Oh well, we have luckily have afew pictures and relatives gave us pictures they had..

As a mother I can just immagine how upset she must have been losing the BABY BOOKS~!!

Jeanne and I~

Jeanne ,Patty and not sure who the other little one is(:>)
Jeanne and me~

Jeanne , Mom and me~~

Dad, Mom, Jeanne and Patty~
Mom and Myrtle (my dad's sister)
~~My Grandma (mom's mother) Jeanne and me~~
Jeanne 12 ~Patty 10~I love the old hairdos(:) HAHA

I always love to look at other peoples OLD family photos..the clothes the hairdos ..

a good thing styles do change (:)

Hope you like it too..

So glad you came by~~

hugs Patty


  1. Patty I love those pictures! So fun!

  2. Hi Patty...I loved seeing all your and your sister look too cute.

    Yor new header is cool...I love old clocks have some neat ones. Hugs, Linda

    p.s. I've been a way for a shot time and I'll be back to read all of last weeks posts.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. These are so sweet!!! I love old photos and yours really tell a story!!!
    I also love the new header.. fabulous clocks.. I have my Granfather's and cherish it but my others are just junkin' finds!!
    Oh I love those stars in an older post are they all yours??

  5. Oh your mom must have just been SICK over the baby books and photos! If we ever had a flood or fire, I wouldn't know what box to save first. Blessings... Polly

  6. Patty(almost Nancy)! LOL...I just found that comment. My older sister told me that my parents named me after Nancy in the Funny Papers! I believed her! Your pictures are great, I luv old pictures. I could sit for hours and look at them.It's entertainment just looking at all the different changes that we go through...some good and some bad! Hope you have a great day today...I'm doing some deep cleaning today and decided to take a little break...back to work!

  7. That is shame about losing your photos. The ones you have left are nice. I love old photos also. I have been going through the family box of photos and it is fun to see the change in clothing and hair styles.

  8. Precious photo's. Your poor parents- I can imagine how they felt when the box or lack of it, was discovered. I love looking through my kids photo's.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    hugs to you,

  9. Thank you so much for leaving the comment on IBN. It is very much appreciated.

    Jeanne is my middle name.

    hugs and more hugs,

  10. Oh, that is heart-sickening to read all those precious photos are gone forever, but the ones you still have are quite heartwarming.

  11. Wonderful family photos. It is so sad that you lost all of those so long ago...

  12. I love the glasses! Ha! That's too bad about the pictures. I can only imagine how furious I'd have been!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. I really enjoyed your photos~what sweet little angels..

    Thanks for sharing your memories.


  14. Oh, what a heartbreak to lose all those old photos and baby memories--I can just imagine how your Mom must have felt :o(

    It's nice that the family shared some of theirs with you all! I sure enjoyed looking at them--and YOU are a total cutey pie!!

    Smiles, Karen

  15. Hi Patty!
    The old photos are so wonderful! I love the old snowsuits and leggings we had to wear in the winter, well I like to see them I didn't like wearing them! I found some old photos when I was at my mom's house this last trip, they are such a treasure to me!
    Hugs, SHerry


SO glad you came by (:) Patty

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