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Central/WA, United States
So nice to have you visit my blog...... Patty (:)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lifes Lessons


Just found a fun blog
'Pampering you'

I love the quote

As the day fades away, savor summer's memories and tuck them away as treasures to keep you warm during winter~~

How cool is that~

~~Some memories we need to hold on to ~~

SWEET moments to replace those when times aren't so great~~

A darling summer scene, hammock under a tree behind a flower topped pergola..

whats not to like(:) I can feel it already ~~

Listen to your instinct

The other day on the way home from getting some groceries I thought
'''I think I'll go to my favorite park and walk alittle''' I had aready gone to the gym for a 10 minute bike-ride and I knew I had to get home and make up the burritos from the food I got at the store for my family lunch but I am glad I decided to turn up that road because I saw the man (a man who I had met before at this park) he was sitting on a picnic bench close to the road ..I parked and decided to go visit with him.. for you see he can't talk and it is a one sided conversation as he had a stroke sad

But he was happy to have someone to visit with ~~I THINK(:)

His little dogs were having fun running around. He walks everywhere.. I was surprised how well we could communicate ...he has a tablet and pen and on it is his name ,address and his circumstances.. He showed me his cards in his wallet ..his Id and where he used to live in California ..and he wrote down (very hard to dicier-I tried very hard to figure it out not wanting to embarrass him) that he had worked at the SS office for 13 years.. has a family thanks goodness !!! A wife and two girls..his wife works.. so I felt better knowing he wasn't all alone in this world.. well I'm glad I stopped not just for him but for me too..

Life is very cruel sometimes ~~

Nancy one of my good friends~~

The Rubarb is back again ..always a faithful plant~~

The ferns too~~

I painted an the old neglected bench a light aqua color~~

My one and only IRIS.. the grown cover took over and they couldn't reach the light of day except this survivor(:)

My garden I planted a few days ago ..

tomatoes, red peppers, cukes, gourds and a squash called yellow crookedneck ..

I have a recipe a lady gave me below~~



Use a Black cast iron skillet on the stovetop

butter or oil in the bottom of the pan


sliced potatoes

sliced squash (leave peel on)

sliced onions

and salt& pepper

cook it

she says it is delish I haven't tried it yet..but she likes the crooked neck squash better then zuccini.. she likes the texture of the C-Neck better not as slimey when cooked~~



My favorite zuccini recipe casserole is this one--

any size dish you want to use , butter it..

layer repeatedly:

sliced zuke

sliced tomatoes

sliced onions

grated cheddar cheese

crunched up soda crackers

Parmesan cheese too if you have some


the top layer cheese

Bake at 350 for 50 minutes ..approx.. depending on the size..stick a fork in to see if the zuccini feels done...... ..delish~~

oops theres some crumbs an pepper all over my stove(:)

Just made some for my lunch today it was delish(:)

So Glad you stopped in...I hope you are all having a wonderful DAY(:)


  1. You are such a sweetheart! We all should show kindness to those we meet along the way. You just made me want to do better at random acts of kindness. Sometimes we just get so busy and full of our own lives that it seems hard to take the time for others. Thanks for the little push in the right direction.

  2. You always have so many things to comment about. How thoughtful of you to stop and visit with the man. I am sure he appreciated it. Your yard is lovely and the fabric cats are so cute.

  3. Those recipes sound delish. I must try them.

    I love your story about the man at the park. How wonderful to spend that time with him. I'm sure it enriched both your lives! Thank you for sharing it!
    Happy Monday!


SO glad you came by (:) Patty

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